New Guitar Amp Heads, hand wired, all tube designs 'Lunchbox size' to 35Watts in Saginaw, Michigan For Sale
Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private.
I began building all Tube Guitar Amplifier in the early xxxx's, but spent most of the last 40 years involved in electronics design for industrial measurement and control.
Three years ago I began a 'retirement project' called The Tube Amp Factory and the results are really starting to take off. The Guitar Digest recently published a very nice review of my amps in the Winter xxxx edition.
I have five basic tube amplifier designs that I am presently producing. The smallest uses a pair of 6AQ5 tubes and produces a solid 10 Watts of clean tube power. The largest uses a pair of 6L6GC tubes in class AB1 mode to produce more than 35 Watts of pure tube sound. All of my amps are hand wired in the point to point style. They are packaged as 'Lunch Box' heads and weigh between 10 and 14 pounds. Last spring I added a beautiful digital reverb circuit to two of our amps. You can hear an MP3 of my 6V6 Amplifier at:
Please check out my website: or contact me at for more info. I also design and build custom speaker cabinets that are designed for efficient tube amplifier service. We are also adding some Tube Amp components like tube sockets, transformers and a new Effects pedal.
Music instruments in Michigan for sale
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